Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Over the weekend we started to organize our guest room (aka the colossal junk room). A couple of years ago, I inherited a number of musical instruments and electronic equipment from my father-in-law, and all of that stuff has found a temporary home in the spare room until we figure out what to do with most of it.  In addition to musical stuff, we've got exercise equipment, spare bedding, and probably a portal to some netherworld.

The room as the previous owners had it
And our embarrassment

The picture doesn't do justice to how big of a mess the room was before we "cleaned it up" and set up the bed. I still can't figure out how we managed to fit most of this stuff into a one bedroom apartment. In any case the spare bedroom is the iwillputitinhereforthetimebeing room and will take some time to get into living condition.

And just so I don't feel like a total failure, I wanted to show the not-so-glamorous compost bin I "constructed." And by constructed, I mean I laid down a tarp, found a bunch of cinderblocks out by the back shed, and built a couple of walls.

A compost heap is something I've been lusting after since I graduated from college, and I'm really happy to finally have one. 

And the best part is that it's already doing its job with the various grass clippings, strawberry tops, old leaves, and twigs I've collected from around the yard. It will be perfect  and ready-to-go for our garden next spring. 

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