Instantly, we logged onto craigslist and posted the love seat and sold it within a day. I sold the mattress to one of my brothers, the recliner to another, and the office chair to my parents. We ended up making the easiest money ever in a matter of ten minutes.
As we start to decorate our house with new furniture, one of the things I'm trying really hard to do is get away from certain wood tones, specifically, the wood finish that is this end-table. We went to Lowes (trip number 6? in the last three weeks), and I picked up some cans of off-white spray paint.
Two coats later, the end tables started to take good form.
And the semi-final result sitting in our oh-so-boring room.
This last picture is after the first layer of paint, so is out of sequence. You can see some areas that need a second coat.
The next job is going to be doing something with our headboard, finding a dresser that's not both 20 years old and a piece of crap, and deciding on a paint color that's more fun than what we have.
Didn't know you had this blog! Awesomeness!